Here is a list of Business Ideas for Mompreneurs who want to use their passion, expertise and skill to setup a business. Many of these ideas require low investment and can be operated from your home.
Work -Life balance is a great concern of all Moms and operating from home could possibly address this issue The new buzzword is 'Stay at Home Mompreneurs'
When you think about your career opportunities as a mother, you’ll find that there are tons of opportunities to become a mompreneur while balancing your family and your career at the same time.
Many new mothers see raising children and growing a family as a full-time job. But more and more mothers are inspired to take on the full-time job of raising children while running a business—all at the same time.
And from these ambitious and inspiring mothers, we have the rise of the term “mompreneur” in the small business space.If you’re an aspiring mompreneur, hoping to make the most out of your past experiences, skills, and your current schedule, what are some of the best businesses to start? Here’s your complete list of the 25 best ideas for mompreneurs to pursue.
Your Family Team
When you’re both a mom and an entrepreneur, striking the right balance is both science and art. Working together with family and friends, rather than keeping business and family life separate, has proven to be a recipe for success for many mompreneurs.
Mothering a child and founding a startup aren’t as different as you might think. Here are five acquired skills moms can apply to starting their own business.
Women make great entrepreneurs. In fact, studies by the Kauffman Foundation and the Dow Jones company have shown that venture-backed companies led by a woman typically produce higher revenues by 12% and launch on a third less capital. Additionally, women-led companies are proven to be more resilient to financial and market crises than their male counterparts.
Yael Kochman has identified the following five skill sets for success of a
Sharing your own experiences offers unlimited space for starting a business. The following areas offer a fertile ground to germinate the idea and nurture it to a big tree.
Mommy blogging has skyrocketed in popularity, and as an aspiring mompreneur, you're ready to dominate this space. Mommy blogging combines your knowledge of being a mother and raising children with your creativity, curatorial skills, and writing skills.
The blogs on a variety of topics. It is recommended to start with a particular topic and write at regular intervals to establish credibility. Sharing your story has a great content and it will attract audience.
Why I became a franchisee for a play school?
Acquire Blog Writing Skills
products your kids use
2.Offshoot of Blogging
Affiliate marketing is an opportunity once you establish yourselves as an expert. You can recommend products or services.
How I train my dog?
3.Culinary Skills
Women are endowed with that special skill and no can replace a mom in the kitchen. Providing Home food day after day to the family without the any member complaining of fatigue is not an easy task. Experimentation-called innovation comes naturally to woman. There is always a treasure house of family recipes available for generations.
We talk of segmentation, of customers, individual taste and customization. This is a given thing for moms who can meet taste buds of different family members.
How I make softy ice-cream?
My Secrets of homemade strawberry jam
Are You curious about Liquid Breakfast?
My Secret Recipes using Olive Oil and Cheese
4.Child Development
Moms play an everlasting role at least till the child becomes a adolescent At each stage the issues to be handled are different. In the current era of nuclear families there is an opportunity to share your experiences. Everyone looks for readymade solutions and you can create a niche for yourself
How to handle Children with Aggressive Behavior?
Do you want to know my healthy Lunchbox for kids
5 Personal Care and beauty tips
How I started a nail bar in my spare room?
Do you want my secrets for pedicure ?
6. Fitness Tips at different stages of lifecycle
Balanced Diet for Family
Work outs when you are 30
7 Home Remedies
Grandma’s Remedy for Cold
Motivate yourself with these numbers from Research Findings of Kauffman Foundation and Dow Jones
Venture-backed companies led by a woman typically produce higher revenues by 12% and launch on a third less capital. Additionally, women-led companies are proven to be more resilient to financial and market crises than their male counterparts.
The above ideas are
only tip of the iceberg. Internet has provided many opportunities for home
based business