Digital Marketing Content Strategy

Digital Marketing Content Strategy is a requirement in the current era where the focus of everyone has shifted to the virtual world. Content Marketing Strategy was important even in the pre-internet era, as communicating with customer has always been essential for any business.

The strategy in the virtual world for content creation and distribution has undergone a paradigm shift from that of the real world.

“Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action” .-Content Marketing Institute

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Digital Marketing Content Strategy- The Need

The following six quotes clearly articulate the need for content marketing.

“Content marketing is not easy because you actually have to listen to your customers and know what their challenges are.”-Joe Pulizzi

Content marketing represents the gap between what brands produce and what consumers actually want.

“By creating and publishing remarkable content in the form that educates, informs, inspires and entertains, marketers can begin to build relationships with prospects early on in the buying cycle.”-Jonathon Lister

Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue. -Andrew Davis

“Content marketing is more than a buzzword. It is the hottest trend in marketing because it is the biggest gap between what buyers want and brands produce.” Michael Brenner

Digital Marketing Content Strategy-Google Page & Alexa Rankings

 People search 24X7 for information. If you do not know or you are looking for reviews, the term” google it’ pops out from everyone. Google Page Views / Rankings for website or key word searches are terms one should be familiar with, in content creation strategy. The rankings are based on the interest of your potential customers search for anything in the virtual world. 

Digital Marketing Content Strategy- Channels

The world wide web together with smart phones have created several platforms for distributing the content.

i.             Social Media

ii.           Blogs

iii.         E- mail Marketing

iv.         Banner

v.           SMS

Writing blogs and creating an audience for the blogs is a skill in demand. Search engine Optimization (SEO) is a buzz word as Google ranks your content.

E- mail list to distribute the content is very important. Hence a common tip given by all gurus of Digital Marketing is that you give away 90% of your content free in exchange for an e-mail ID. 

What works well?

·         Engaging Content: Reward visitors with a well-designed and content-rich page that engages them from the moment they land on the page.

·         Rich Information: You wouldn’t want to see a film open with a 10-minute continuous shot with nothing interesting going on, would you? That same principle applies to your page. Make sure the viewer knows what they’re getting by providing context to your content, and allowing them to fully interact with your site.

·         Appealing Visuals: Nobody likes looking at a site that resembles a quickly-modified template. Provide them with visuals that will draw their attention to everything your site has to offer. You tube provides an excellent platform for posting videos.

Digital Marketing Content Strategy- Benefits

The web has enabled global reach of audience. The critical task is to identify the right channel to reach the target audience.

The costs for reaching the customers have come down but still considerable investment of time and money is required.

24X 7 Presence

The author of an online course or online purchase of a product or service can happen even when the entrepreneur is not active. Revenue flows.

A word of Caution

The benefits of the virtual world have created a flood of information which is increasing every minute. If the content is not attractive, meaningful and precise to the customers, it will be lost in the crowd.

Digital Marketing Content Strategy - Conclusion

Content drives traffic to the online sites, it keeps customers engaged, and it motivates fans to share the content. Visual Media is the latest trend and it has become a need to improve effectiveness.


The strategy of content marketing is to create an engaging audience for the business. One of the strategies is to post blogs at regular intervals and create awareness about the business. Encourage constant reviews, feedback and sharing of the content with their contacts to be in touch with potential customers. Engaged audience results in increase of both topline and bottom line.

"Regardless of what business you're in, you're really in the content business." Gary Vaynerchuk
