Current Startup Trends

What are the Current Startup Trends in India ?

India has moved from fourth rank to third rank globally in startups. This has been possible due to the tremendous support available in the ecosystem. Technology and aspirations of middleclass have fueled startup growth.

The key feature of Indian Startups is revolving around solving problems in the Indian society. India has millions of problems and this has provided ample opportunity /ideas for startups.

Current Startup Trends-Quotes

“60% of Indians Employed in Organizations Today Aspire to be Entrepreneurs.”-GoDaddy's 'Future of Work Survey'

“We believe India is at a turning point in its development and have confidence that India will grow strongly over the next decade. As part of this belief, we intend to deploy significant capital in India over the next few years to support development of the market.” said  Masayoshi Son, Chairman and CEO of SoftBank Corp.

Technology especially internet has stimulated many new startups. A PC/Laptop with internet is the only requirement.

Current Startup Trends-Key Trends

1.        Startup fever is spreading to Tier 2 towns

2.      Technology has provided level playing field

3.      Startups are Hyper Local

4.      Entry of more women entrepreneurs

5.      E- Commerce App. Development

6.      Health Care

7.      IoT

8.      Education/ Coaching

9.      Online Business

10.    Silicon Valley returned entrepreneurs

11.      Campuses like IIM, IIT, IISC etc. promoting startups among students

12.    Big Daddys of IT sector like Ratan Tata, Naryanamurthy and Azim Premji are investing in promising startup companies

Current Startup Trends- A few Examples

Quanted makes maths accessible and interesting .

Source: Economic times

“We felt there was a big gap in the market. While there are a lot of startups, coaching classes and test preparation platforms, trying to figure out how to get students to improve their performance by three to five percentiles in the next exam, there were very few that were addressing the huge conceptual pitfalls that exist,” said Sudharsan Srinivasan, CEO at Quanted ,

Srinivasan, along with his wife Mridula Naresh, started Quanted almost a year ago.  Their product , Picirql’s aim is to make mathematics relatable and interesting. To achieve this, the startup uses animations to show various concepts visually to students

Current Startup Trends-India

Source- Sunday-TOI


Started by Ginny Kohli . (Electronics Engineer -UK)

A wedding platform that also acts as an aggregator to connect with different wedding services

3.Icliniiq- Consulting Doctor on phone-Telehealth Consultation

Started by Dhruv Suyamprakash. ( Busineess Famly)

This startup marries medicine with technology.


Started by Vishal Lunia ( ISB- Hyderabad)

An aggregator which helps you discover space and people to play games. It has 700 sports and 1300 centers listed in Delhi.

5. Founding Years Solutions ( Brand Klay)

Started by Priya Krishnan (London School of Business)

 46 Day care Centers in India

6. Seclore,

Started by Vishal Gupta- Cyber Security firm

Startup Trends in India-Emerging trends

Singapore wants to be the global capital of fin-tech companies.

Combines  technology and finance.

Village Capital is an early stage investment fund and accelerator for fin-tech startups. They have ranked Fin- Tech companies and following three emerged as top three companies.

 1.Profit Books is a simplified cloud accounting software


2.Catalyst Lab.- Mobile service platform to connect small scale suppliers

3.Shiksha Finance-Education Loan for low income group students

A few fairy tale funding in technology startups even before they acquired solid customer base has created illusion among aspiring entrepreneurs. 

 Due to this a few technology startups dream to get massive funding instead of focusing on what problems they are solving 

Current Startup Trends-Flipside

A few fairy tale funding in technology startups even before they acquired solid customer base has created illusion among aspiring entrepreneurs. 

 Due to this a few technology startups dream to get massive funding instead of focusing on what problems they are solving 

Current Startup Trends-Conclusion

Rise of new startup hubsKormangala in Bangalore  and Powai in Mumbai are the new  fast growing startup hubs. 

The passion of individuals, strong eco system and funding availability will fuel more startups in India

 “Businesses in India need to stop thinking of how to create a billion-dollar company for the next two years. The race to a billion dollar business means that there are a lot of stupid ideas floating around with no light at the end of the tunnel. The time frame needs to be longer to propel India’s nascent startup ecosystem.”- Alok Goel, former CEO of freecharge and redbus. 

‘GharWapsi’ of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs 

 Quite a handful of Indian “techies” who had  settled abroad , have  now come back to India and launched their own entrepreneurial ventures this year - Vikram P Kumar of Explore, Mehul Sutaria of Transitpedia. SanketAvlani of Taxi Fabric to name a few.